ACT Tessera

Comprehensive, Reliable Social and Emotional (SEL) Skill Assessment

Take Social and Emotional Learning Skills and Character Strength Assessment to the Next Level

Support the Whole Student with SEL

ACT Tessera Ordering Instructions 

Videos with step by step instructions on how to order ACT Tessera.

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Importance of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Ask any teacher or educational leader – student Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and the development of noncognitive skills and character strengths is critically important to success in school, and in life. Many studies find that these attributes contribute as much or more than academic skills to academic achievement, career success and lifelong well-being.

Measure, Evaluate, and Improve SEL Skills

ACT Tessera® is a comprehensive next-generation assessment system designed to measure Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills. It provides assessments to help K-12 educators measure and evaluate 6-12th grade students’ SEL skills, determine their strengths and areas for improvement, and identify interventions to help them succeed.

Can Students' SEL Skills Be Measured?

Access the documentation you need for all the details on the making, methodology, and management of our multifaceted SEL measurement tool and start planning your students' success.

Further Evidence in Support of SEL

A Rosetta Stone for Noncognitive Skills

To move forward, you need to know where your students are now. Ask any teacher or educational leader – student Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and the development of SEL skills and character strengths is critically important to success.

The research is unequivocal. Studies find these attributes contribute as much or more than academic skills to academic achievement, career success and lifelong well-being.

ACT Tessera Measures Five Social and Emotional Learning Skills and Climate

Each of the five SEL strengths is crosswalked to one of the Big Five facets:
Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Emotional Stability, Openness, and Extraversion

Conscientiousness (Grit)

-Likes challenges


Agreeableness (Teamwork)

-Sensitive to
-Easy to get along


-Interested and


Openness (Curiosity)

-Good at dealing
 with stress,
 criticism, and


-Takes charge
-Expresses freely
-Cheerful and



Multidimensional and User-Friendly with Actionable Insights

More Than Self-Reporting

Our advanced trimodal assessment methodology yields more reliable, valid results than traditional self-reporting.

Easy to Use

Our online assessment tool is easy for schools and teachers to administer and requires no special or time-consuming prepping.

Actionable Feedback

Our reports are user-friendly for students, parents, teachers, and schools and include recommended resources and strategies to address areas requiring increased focus.

Assessment is Just the Beginning

ACT Tessera Delivers a Road Map for Continuous Improvement

The Teacher Playbook provides actionable approaches to teaching Social and Emotional Learning in the classroom.

Why Your Peers Are So Excited

Across the United States, innovative educational leaders are finding the comprehensive ACT Tessera system invaluable for measuring and nurturing the Social and Emotional Learning skills so critical to helping their students succeed in school – and in life.

Two Ways to Boost Social and Emotional Learning at Your School or District

Schedule Your On-site Workshop Today!

Workshop Option 1:

Strengthen Your SEL Program for Greater Positive Impact

Full-day workshop for school and district leaders, administrators, counselors, and SEL steering committees.

Workshop Option 2:

SEL Instruction Using the ACT Tessera Teacher Playbook

Half-day or full-day workshop for teachers and counselors.

Want to Discuss SEL Professional Development and Program Planning at Your School or District? 

Complete the form…we’d love to hear from you!

To Previous K-12 ACT Engage Customers:

We want to thank you for choosing ACT® Engage® as your Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) assessment this past year. As an ACT Engage customer you’ve demonstrated that you understand and value the importance of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) for academic and career success. We invite you to continue your work in advancing SEL education by adopting the next generation of SEL assessment ACT® Tessera™.

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Want to discuss implementing SEL at your school or district, or have other questions about ACT Tessera?
Call 855-730-0400 or complete this contact form.